Friday, March 25, 2016


I'm sitting in my room on quarantine so I thought it would be a good time to blog.  I have been preparing for my radiation treatment(I-131) to try and kill any  thyroid cells left in me that might be cancer or turn into them in the future.  By doing so I had to be on a special diet for 12 days that consist of low iodine.  Which means no dairy, seafood, or salt! Because so many prepared foods have salt or eggs or dairy in them I had to make all my own food with out iodine (or red dye #3).  I did make some different homemade breads but I could only have 4 servings of grain and 1 of meat a day.  I ate a lot of oatmeal with fruit, applesauce, and unsalted nuts and vegetable soup.  Today I could began eating normal again.  I couldn't wait and was thinking of all the things I would eat today like chocolate, cheese, ice cream, but unfortunately I don't feel well at all! I barley got out of bed today.  On a positive note (by prepping for this) I found out the thyroid cells were not in my lungs! Besides eating this way I had to get some blood test, shots, sample pills, and a body scan.  The body scan shows any hot spots where cells are.  I was so excited to find out none are in my lungs!  (I will have to get a ct scan again in a few months to try to see what is in there that showed up on the ct scan.  Dr. thinks it is nothing big maybe scar tissue or something.) Unfortunately the scan showed more tissue (suspected benign) then they expected though so I had to get the extra strong does of I-131 to kill it off.  This means I have to be quarantined longer and more possible side effects.  I took the does yesterday and was feeling fine until about 5:30 then started to feel sick.  I have felt like I have a cold and the flu at the same time! I have to stay 6 feet away from anyone until Sunday then it tapers off.  I go back on Tuesday morning for another body scan and then I see my Dr. the next Monday for the follow up plan.  I'm hoping I will be done with all this and just have routine blood test from now on! I can't go back to work until April 1st and the weather looks like it is going to be great here next week! I'm hoping to get lots of walking in the sunshine in!


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  2. You are amazing Talitha! We are sorry to hear that it has been pretty miserable today. Hopefully the next days on the treatment will go better.
