Friday, October 30, 2015

halloween fun

Just a quick post about taking Doranda's girls to the pumpkin patch.  I know Doranda already posted that they both went with their schools but I also took them one day.  The girls love getting to spend the night with me although they don't get to very often with everyone's busy schedules.  There was no school or work a few Monday's ago so Penelope and Scarlett got to spend the night with me.  In the morning we went to Spooner farm's. Here are some pictures of them going through the maze, and racing the ducks.

milking a pretend cow

David got to go with us to before he went to work.  Good thing because I don't know if we would have made it out of the maze with out him.
 I also went to watch a few of there soccer games, since I don't think I will get to see them for a little while.

Scarlett was closing her eyes on purpose



  1. I know the Penelope and Scarlett had a lot of fun! They are always talking about wanting girls days with you.
